Agenda: Learning from ancient cultures and civilisations to solve modern day problems The delegates of UNESCO will have to study ancient civilisations of their countries, to be able to note the important lessons that can be learnt, by analysing their exemplary decisions and mistakes, so that the modern world can be a better place.


Agenda: Fighting discrimination against LGBTQ+ community in the workplace The delegates of ILO shall discuss and debate different ways to improve the position of LGBTQ+ communities, so that everyone, regardless of their sexuality, has equal rights, and can also contribute to the global economy.


Agenda: Disease control in humanitarian emergencies The delegates of WHO must research effective ways of disease control, to improve the health and living standards of all global citizens.


Agenda: Human rights violation in Taliban controlled Afghanistan The delegates of UNHRC must discuss the current situation of Afghanistan after the Taliban have taken over the nation, and ensure that Afghanistani citizens can enjoy basic human rights.


Agenda: Rethinking the legalisation of prostitution Delegates of UNCSW, according to the stance of their country, will speak about whether or not prostitution should be made legal.


Agenda: Combating racism, xenophobia and related intolerance The SOCHUM delegates will have to come up with measures and innovative methods to make Asians feel more welcomed and accepted all around the world.


Agenda: Effects of nuclear and atomic radiation (with reference to Chernobyl, Hiroshima and Nagasaki) Delegates must discuss the consequences and effects caused due to exposure to nuclear and atomic radiation, and use Chernobyl, Hiroshima and Nagasaki as reference, examining the problems both faced by inhabitants and the land after the disasters that took place there.

International Press

A community of journalists who report the happenings in each committee. Journalists and reporters part of the International Press can examine the debates and discussions of committees, interview delegates, and write articles about what happened in the committee sessions. They are also allowed to click pictures, and use their artistic skills to illustrate cartoons to depict the proceedings of the committee they have chosen.